Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Valentine's Day Sacks

I debated posting this because Valentine's Day is over, but finally thought it was still the month of love so why not.  If anything, you can file the idea away for next year or take it and change it to match another holiday.  This year to help us get into the Valentine spirit we decorated Valentine sacks to hang on our doors.
They were super easy to make!  We started with a regular paper sack (I had some white ones I picked up a while ago from the dollar section at Target, but brown sacks would work fine) and added to it hearts cut from construction paper, bling, ribbon, poms, flower cut outs, googly eyes, etc.  Basically any odds and ends that were lying around the house.  (I often pick up random craft supplies from the dollar store or dollar section at Target when I see it and then keep them on hand for activities like this and then my three year old can have plenty of variety).  We glued everything on with Elmer's school glue.  I put some in a cup and gave my son a Q-tip to spread the glue where he wanted it and he did a pretty good job!   
After we were finished decorating, we let the glue dry a bit and then stapled a strip of construction paper across the top to use as a door hanger.  We made sure we had a sack for everyone in the family, including Dad, and then we hung them on all the doors.   Our hallway looked pretty festive when we were all through!
I like to do the 14 days of Valentine's each year, so the sacks worked perfect as the place to leave everyone's daily treat.  The treats I do are just little, and if I feel really ambitious I add a little cheesy note like "You are the best Valentine, bar none" on a granola bar or "Valentine, you make my heart pop" with a bag of microwave popcorn.  Zach, my three year old, loved finding his treat everyday and so did my husband.  On Valentine's Day this year I left a clue, instead of a treat, that led my son on a Valentine's treasure hunt to find a special Valentine present.  We really had a good time and we were definitely into the Valentine spirit!   

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