Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Dump Meals

It has been way too long since my last post, but I have been a very busy Momma battling the flu and nursing my two very sick little ones back to health!  But, things are starting to calm down and I am definitely ready to rejoin the world and I wanted to post something that has saved me the last couple of weeks...Dump Meals!  I got this idea from Hannah Keely, a mom coach and professional organizer who has a weekly show called Hannah Help Me.  She also has a fabulous website that has lots of great tips for Moms, including a whole bunch of quick and easy recipes...among which are Dump Meals.  What are Dump Meals?  They are recipes where you dump all the ingredients in a large ziploc baggie, smoosh everything around, and then cook by grill, crockpot, or oven.  Hannah recommends doing a few meals at a time and then freezing the ones you didn't use for another day...which is exactly what I did a few weeks before I got sick.  Since I rarely had time to make it to the store, and absolutely did not feel like cooking, it was sooooooo nice to just pull an already prepared meal out of the freezer, throw it in my crockpot, and have a tasty dinner for all of us.  My favorite part of Hannah's recipes is that you just throw the raw chicken breasts (or thighs or legs) into the bag and pre-cooking!  This makes it a great way to use big family-size chicken packs that occasionally go on amazing sales and then sit unused in the freezer because when it is actually time to make dinner on a later day you remembered you forgot to pull out the chicken to let it defrost and have to resort to something else.  At least, that's how it is for me.  Did I mention no pre-cooking?!!  I especially love this part because the one thing I don't love about freezer meals in general is that, for me, it is really hard to find time to cook for the present let alone for the future.  Oh, and I'm sorry I don't have any pictures of the meals I made, but Hannah's website includes pictures with her whether or not I've completely sold you or you are only a little curious  CLICK HERE to see some of Hannah's Dump Meals and I promise you will not be disappointed!!  P.S.  Right now Hannah has a free download of a cookbook on her Free Stuff page with fast, easy recipes that look delicious!  You may want to check it out!

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