Wednesday, August 31, 2011


I think one of the best daily survival tips, regardless of where you are in your life, is to take a moment each day and be grateful for something.  In fact, gratitude is the perfect antidote to pride, bad attitudes, awful moods, selfish moments, and almost every other negative emotion.  In one of my most favorite talks on Gratitude, President Thomas S. Monson says "We can lift ourselves and others as well when we refuse to remain in the realm of negative thought and cultivate within our hearts an attitude of gratitude"  One of the may ways we can develop this "attitude of gratitude" is spend time each day writing down a few things in which we are grateful.  Oprah Winfrey says "Every night list 5 things you are grateful for.  What it will begin to do is change your perspective of your day and your life."  I know of a few people who do this in a gratitude journal.  I have just stumbled on one of the COOLEST websites that focus exactly on that...helping you keep a gratitude journal.  The website is called Happy Rambles.  Happy Rambles asks you to create a free account where you enter your name and email address.  Then every night it sends you an email asking you the simple question "What are you grateful for today?"  All you do is hit reply and type your answer.  You can do it in list form or in a paragraph and you can even attach a picture.  They then take your answer and store it in your private "journal" which you can access anytime.  They also provide options to change the time of day you receive your email or how many days of the week they will send you the email if you want it less than seven.  They even have tips and the option to print or email your journal entries!  It is so cool and so easy.  I've only been signed up for a few days and already I love it!!  But, no matter how you find ways to be grateful, that attitude of gratitude will improve even the worst of days, guaranteed!!!

1 comment:

  1. Great idea, I am going to sign up. Love it, I told Nick about it as well.
